Thursday 10 March 2016

The Revenant - Winner of 3 Oscars!

Revenant: A person who has returned, especially supposedly, from the dead.

Probably the most talked about Movie about the Oscars, was 'The Revenant' for more reasons than one. The First and Foremost reason was of course the nomination of Leonardo Dicaprio for the 6th Time at the Oscars and for once, was the favourite to win it. Secondly, the  movie had the most nominations of the night-12 to be exact. And was also the favourite to win Best Film. And Lastly, It was the second year running a 'Alejandro Inarritu' Movie was favourites at the Oscars(after the critically acclaimed, 'Birdman' last year).

Inspired by true events, the Revenant tells the story of American Explorer, Hugh Glass, abandoned by his fellow mates, after being attacked brutally by a Bear. The harsh brutality of his experience is chilling enough and set across the backdrop of 19th century America, this Movie undeniably makes you go through so many emotions, as you see Hugh Glass going through them. It is the ultimate story of human spirit, will power and what a man is capable of when there's no other option!!

Now let's get this straight, this through and through is Leo's movie. He owns it!! Without him, this movie would have still been good, but definitely not great. Every expression, be it of discomfort, anger, disappointment, happiness and even Love is expressed with such ease that you really feel for him in every scene. Mind you, he does speak very little but his silences sometimes speak louder than words. It is debatable whether this is his Best Performance Ever or Not( personally I loved him more in 'The Wolf of Wall Street'). But this Oscar for him was definitely a long time coming. If he would not have won this year, I think the Academy would be shamed even more than the 'White Oscar' controversy.

The movie won 3 Oscars in total-Best Actor, Cinematography & Director making Alejandro Inarritu a 2 time winner and a record breaker! With all the attention being stolen by Leo, people didn't notice that he won this award two consecutive years and became the first person in 65 years to do so. He also is the first ever Mexican to achieve this feat ( wonder what Trump feels about that ;) ) . Although Birdman wasn't my favorite movie last year but I thing he definitely deserves it for this one.

This is a long movie though, and is definitely slow paced But for all Leo fans this is certainly a must-watch. It's also not necessarily a movie for the faint hearted but people who have an appetite for Good Cinema, please make sure you see this one if you already haven't.

I'm going with 4 out of 5 for this one!

Keep Reeling!!!

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