Saturday 26 May 2012

Captain America-The First Avenger-And also the worst!!!

Now looking at the title of this review, I firstly want to let you know that I am not going to bash this movie and demean it. But you have to keep in mind that I am comparing this film with the other individual Avenger movies and this one along with the first movie of Hulk is the worst of the lot.

Now Captain America has been one of the biggest comic books for Marvel, so the expectation to film was always going to be high. Secondly, I feel, that the biggest challenge that was faced by the makers was that he was a superhero from the past, and therefore it is not only a superhero film, but a period film as well!...And when it cam to the comic-The Avengers, he was the lead avenger as well..but that is only in the comic world...

Now coming to the movie, Bases around the times of the World War 2, Chris Evans plays Steve Rogers, a sickly thin malnutritioned boy who aspires to get into the US Army(amazing VFX work to make him look like that though), but has failed numerous times to do so. His brother being a part of the US forces obviously caused him jealousy but also triggered the aspiration even more. Eventually they pass him through a test only to find out that he is actually a part of a Government Experiment-which lucky for him, goes right and he becomes the real Chris Evans with the muscles et all. The same experiment was later tried by Hulk as we know which went horribly wrong. Now after this he becomes a mascot to promote war bonds, more than a real war hero-which is quite lame actually.
Now there needs to be a villian in order for the hero within to come out, and that is HYDRA from Europe which is actually an organisation that is after the 'Tesseract' and use it to fuel their 'World-Ending' inventions, and you'll know what I am talking about if you've seen avengers. How Captain America rises to the occasion and save the world is obviously what the rest of the movie is about.

There is a love interest as well in the form of Ms.Peggy carter played by the beautiful Hayley Atwell and their scenes together are among the better parts of the movie. There's familiar names in form of Stark Senior a.k.a Iron Man's dad who is quite prominent throughout the film.
Hugo Weaving makes his best villian outing since The Matrix and is one of the reasons you are able to sit through the movie.
Now my major issue with the movie is that firstly, it's very slow for a superhero film. It doesn't ever feel like one to be honest because of the pace of a World War kind of film which also makes the action very limited and the special effects at a minimal. Apart from that, Captain America itself is quite sad. He doesn't seem to have any super powers except that he can use his shield really well and that too the shield is a STARK product. So you know what I' talking about. It's not ebtirely unwatchable and is necessary for the continuity to The Avengers most definitely but I hope the sequel which is planned is more fast-paced and has something new to offer.

I'm going with 2 out of 5 for Captain America!...
P.S. Don't forget to watch the credits...

Keep Reeling!!

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