Tuesday, 20 December 2011

The Grinch-Who Failed to Steal Christmas!!

I don't really know how many of you'll would remember this, but much before the movie actually came out in 2000, on Cartoon Network we had the animated movie of 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' which was absolutely spectacular. As a matter of fact that very same movie is present in one of the scenes of Home Alone 2. This movie is based on the same book by Dr. Seuss with of course certain liberties of it's own, and the classic character of The Grinch is played none other than the man of many green faces-Jim Carrey.
Now This story is a children's Christmas classic. And the combination of Jim's magical wit and the fact that he can emote so well even as the Grinch just pushes this movie to a different level altogether.
The Story is about The Grinch and the people of Whoville. For reasons we find out in the movie, he somehow prefers being alone and wallowing in self pity all the time, and absolutely loathes and hates Christmas. He gives it a shot thanks to Cindy Loo of Whoville who has little faith in Christmas herself, but old rivalries and feelings resurface and he plans to 'Steal' Christmas away so that it cannot be celebrated. But how do you steal Christmas???By stealing the material stuff right??Wrong!!
This movie has great relevance to today's society and raises some very important questions.
Is Christmas all about just the presents??
Can't we imagine a Christmas without Santa and Christmas trees and stockings??
Then what is Christmas all really about??
These might sound like really serious questions but the best part about this film is that it gives a moral in the most subtle way possible through a character who everyone should hate but can't stop loving.
Jim Carrey is impeccable as the Grinch and nails the character and mannerisms brilliantly. His counterpart, Cindy Loo is cute and has some of the craziest hairstyles that even Gaga might be inspired to try.
The animation, special effects and make up are in place like you would expect in a high budget Hollywood movie. And for those of you who didn't know this-this movie is actually directed by none other than Oscar Winner Ron Howard who has made some intense movies like Frost/Nixon, A Beautiful Mind and even The Da Vinci Code but this is a movie that's far from the genres he is used to but still has executed it beautifully.
It's a beautiful Christmas tale which you wouldn't mind watching again and again especially if you've grown up watching it.

I'm going with 3.5 out of 5 for The Grinch.

Happy Holidays and Keep Reeling!!

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

The one thing which we all wanted at some point or the other as a kid, was to have our freedom...Freedom from our parents, our home, our city even...and the want to just go and explore things on your own without supervision or guidance. We may fall on our face, or we might just push our potential to another level and rediscover what we are capable of doing, which obviously might surprise us at the same time. The Home Alone series captured this feeling and made an absolutely fun family holiday movie series, the best of which is clearly the movie I am reviewing right now.
There might be very few people among you who are reading who wouldn't have seen this movie, and keeping that in mind, I'll skip the synopsis. But for those who still haven't had the opportunity to see it, well, the title says it all. The Wet Bandits return and this time they are in for more torture by the hands of our very own protagonist-Kevin. This was the obvious bit and the expectation before we could even see this movie. But what sets this apart from the previous one are so many things:
Firstly, the involvement of the Bird Lady played by Brenda Fricker is easily the best and most touching addition to the movie. The relationship between Kevin and her is shown in such a beautiful way and is perfect in every scene of theirs.
Secondly, the involvement of New York-probably the best looking place in America during Christmas. Just the scenery of the stores and the decor is enough to make you want to be there at this time of the year. There's just so many dimensions to the city and this is probably my personal favorite picturisation of the city in a movie.
Lastly of course, there's the fictional gangster movie-'Angels with even filthier souls' which is even more hillarious than the first one and bringing in Rob Schneider for the scene just lifts it up a notch higher. Absolutely brilliant!!

Macaulay Culkin as Kevin is again a standout as in the first one with his misheveous smile and a screen presence that even established actors sometime lack. But of course, the first 2 movies were indeed tailor-made for him in every which way and there couldn't have been anyone better.
As is the same with Director Chris Columbus who is brilliant with Kids' movies ( he also directed the 1st 2 parts of Harry Potter ) by carefully tackling the plot in such a manner that the antics don't look repetitive.

All in all, it's good clean family fun and a movie that anyone will enjoy this Christmas.
I'm going with 4 out of 5 for Home Alone 2. Watch it to see how a comedy worked in the 90's.

Happy Holidays and Keep Reeling!!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Jingle All The Way-It's Turbo Time!!!

My first Pick for this holiday season is surprisingly an Arnold movie from the 90's. But yes, it about Christmas and of course, in this movie too we shall ignore Arnold's effort to act and concentrate on the more cheerful things :-)
But seriously this is among his most remembered movies and especially more so as he completely broke out of his mould as an action hero and adapted to the role of a father and a family guy so easily.
The story is about his son's character wanting an action figure for Christmas. Now like most dads Arnold wanted to be there for his son for most of the time, but due to work and a little bad luck, he always lacked somewhere. Therefore, he sees this want of his son as an opportunity to bond with his son again.
There is one small problem though.
The Action Figure is completely sold out on Christmas Eve and he cannot find one of those in the entire city!! Add to his dilemma, he has a cunning postman, a mad reindeer and a sly neighbour to contend with along with accomplising his task of buying a Turbo-man for his son.
Now the story is simplistic and direct, but also it is a movie that would entertain all audieces and more so it is a movie that gets you in the festive spirit without being 'in your face' about it.
Among the cast it's obviously Arnold who carries it on his Broad shoulders and his lack of acting is cobvered in the honesty of emotion that he so enthusiastically carries through his role.

I', going with 3.5 out of 5 for 'Jingle All The Way'.
It's a movie that'll take you back to your childhood.

Happy Holidays & Keep Reeling

Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Twilight Saga-Breaking Dawn: Part 1-Forever is just the Beginning!!!

A Global Phenomenon: That's what one would associate The Twilight Saga with nowadays and the box office figures are proof of that. The latest installment in the series is said to have been the third highest opening for a movie ever, making it fall short only of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 and The Twilight Saga: New Moon. This in spite of the lukewarm response it has got from critics the world over. What this series has offered to teenage girls the world over is known to us, and us guys unfortunately have 'Edward' and 'Jacob's standards to live up to..but then again, at least we are human!..Now coming to the actual stuff...What exactly did I think of the movie...Well read on to find out..
The movie starts of with invites going out to all the family and friends of Edward and Bella for their wedding. The only reaction worth watching though is of Jacob's as he gets livid and has the only shirtless scene of the movie. Yes girls, that is it..So be prepared. The wedding is expectantly beautiful and has a surprise entry from Jacob as well in what I feel was the best scene of the film. Post this of course they have the honeymoon off the coast of Rio on a beautiful island, and this in spite of Bella still being human and well aware of the consequences. The first night is funny and passionate, but the next morning Edward realizes that this is not fun and games and refrains from doing anything else except play Chess for the rest of the trip. This gets too much for Bella and few days later they do it again. Then...something unexpected happens, Bella gets pregnant and Edward is more stunned than any guy who realizes that he is going to be a dad. All of this happens in the first half and the nature of it is quite slow paced. This I have no complaints about though because if you have read the books, you would know the love that Bella and Edward had for each other and the unison of the two demands a scale of importance. The second half is quite the real deal though and has all the elements to make you await the last installment. The way Edward tries changing Bella into a vampire though is not the way I would have pictured it, but nevertheless the last shot of the film makes you forget all else.
Coming to the actors, it seems that everyone got their make up right for the film. Edward doesn't look that white and even Bella looks kinda attractive. Taylor Lautner's performance though definitely stood out for me.
It's definitely a movie for the fans of the franchise and also if you have been following it but I would strictly not recommend the same who haven't seen any of the parts. I just wish the next movie would release sooner but sadly we'll have to wait a whole year for that one. I'm going with 3.5 out of 5 for Breaking Dawn: Part 1...

Keep Reeling!!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

2 Fast 2 Furious-It ain't the same without Vin Diesel!!

To be Aired on Star Movies
November 22nd

To say that this was the most underwhelming film of the lot, would not be surprising. People who love the franchise obviously love it for the cars and the girls. But they also love it for 2 other reasons-Paul Walker and Vin Diesel.
One half of the duo, like everyone know, opted to not be a part of the movie which brought on Tyrese gibson to fit in Diesel's enormous shoes...Does he deliver?...Well read on and find out..

The story tracks O' Conner being nabbed by the cops at Miami and is asked to help them to take down Drug Peddlar Verone, played by Cole Hauser. O' connor agrees to take the job as it will clear all charges against him, but needs the partner of his choosing who turns out to be Roman Pearce, played by Gibson who also takes up the job to clear his name of charges levied against him, because of which he is still under house arrest. Now at the start they may not be the best of friends but they soon start seeing eye to eye, with difficulty of course and here starts the master plan of taking Verone down.
It has a typical GTA feel at times and Miami definitely adds up to the whole 'Gangsta' feel.
The Mitsubishi cars are expectantly high on looks and performance( the year is 2003 btw ) and the racing bits of the movie ,lives up to expectation.
The girls are a mixed affair though.
While Eva Mendes plays her role as an undercover cop/ Verone's mistress really well delivering just the right amount of oomph, Suki, the only female racer in the film, doesn't excite you with her looks or acting.
The surprise element of the movie has got to be Ludacris who shines in his cameo as Tej Parker, an ex street racer and a race organizer at the moment. there were moments where I wished that it was him who was Paul Walker's partner rather than Gibson.
Nevertheless it's a fun film and although it seems like a filler when we look at the whole series in context, it;s a no brainer that won't bore you...
So if you have the time, then definitely catch this on Star Movies or watch it on DVD.
I'm going with 2.5 out of 5 for the second installment in this thrilling series..

Keep Reeling!!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Rockstar-without the drugs!!

It's been five days since I saw this movie and I was hoping the time passed by between then and now would bring about a transition in my judgement of this movie. I did not want to just be critical or negative about it. Hell, I actually wanted to like it. But if you have seen this movie and liked it, I suggest you read no further.

Saadda Haq-Aithe Rakh was the anthem that we have been chanting ever since the promos of the movie came out...The music definitely created a buzz and why not, with the likes of Rahman and Mohit Chauhan being at the helm of affairs. And this is one section that delivered exactly what was needed.
The second thing that went right was the casting of Ranbir kapoor. I must admit that I am not his biggest fan..but the pain of Jordan, the innocence of Janardhan and the person in between is brought out so effectively and earnestly by him, that I have got to say that as an actor, this is his best performance yet.

So, if all this went well and it is directed by Imtiaz Ali who has churned out brilliant movies back to back, what went wrong??

HIM- Imtiaz Ali has made some of my most favorite movies-Jab we met, Love Aaj Kal and even Socha na tha. But with Rockstar, he gets so self obsessed with his script that he doesn't really see the logic in it. Also the editing is horrible had felt completely mismatched for a movie that lasts almost 3 hours!! I actually felt that he should have gone for a straight-forward narration rather that the 'experiment' he tried. Also the scripting is really loose and the movie gets intolerable in the second half. The biggest character flaw has to be that Jordan, who idolizes Jim Morrison, doesn't get into drugs...now what kind of ROCKSTAR is that???

NARGIS-Probably the worst element of the movie, she sticks out like a sore thumb. Her acting is painful to watch...Her dubbing is even worse...I actually felt Katrina would have been thousand times better in her place. She should just get back to her modelling or taking care of her kid or whatever but spare us the horror of seeing her in the movies.

I don't want to give out much of the premise as most of you'll know the basics thanks to the promos. I don't know how many of you'll might agree or disagree with me but this is how I felt.
Please do share your views as I would like to know what you'll thought of it.

My suggestion-save your money and go watch Ra.One again ( you read that right )

I'm going with 1.5 out of 5 for Imtiaz Ali's ROCKSTAR...

Keep reeling!!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Home Alone-Don't try this at Home!!

To be aired on Star Movies
November 7th
The holiday season beckons and it's time to revisit a classic. This 1990 comedy directed by Chris Columbus is seen by all and forgotten by a few. It's probably among the first kids' movies that I ever saw, and you have to give it up for the recall value of this film which still doesn't look dated 21 years later and still holds it's own in spite of the repetitive gags.
For the ones who haven't managed to see this yet, here's a glimpse of the plot-Mackaulay Culkin, our very own John McCalister is a kid who doesn't like his family very much. He hates being bullied by his elder brother Buzz...Hates the fact that he has to share a bed during the holidays with his cousin who pees in his sleep. and hates the fact that he has to go with his huge family for a holiday to Paris.
Fortunate for him-he gets left behind accidentally and has the whole house to himself.He eats junk food, trashes his brother's room, watches a gangster film and more-basically everything he probably wouldn't be allowed to do otherwise. The fun is short lived though as there are 2 burglars waiting to thieve the house as they think no one is home...But little did they know that the 8 year old boy was going to be a living nightmare for them..Actually did I say the fun was short lived?...It just got started...Gag after Gag you're in awe of Kevin's character and the cuteness with which he tackles the bad guys.

Each booby trap is better than the other but my favorite moment has to be when the pizza delivery guy gets scared by the voice overs of a gangster flick which Kevin very tactfully plays the dialogues of.or also the scene where he re-creates an entire party in his house to fool the bad guys with objects lying around the house.

It's cute , it's ingenious and it's a movie that will never be forgotten.
I'm going with 4.5 out of 5.

Keep Reeling!!!

Friday, 4 November 2011

Get Smart-A watchable action comedy!!

To be aired on WB
November 4th

When this movie had released in 2008, it grabbed a lot of attention. After all it was a great casting coup. There's the 40 year old virgin-Steve Carrell. The Devil who wears Prada-Anne Hathway and of course for all WWE fans-there's The Rock & the great KHALI!!!...and it is this very odd group of people who capture the essence of the movie, which is partly action and has a James Bondish feel while suddenly it changes to a spy comedy on the lines of Austin Powers or Johnny English. Although it must be said that for most of the time, it is balanced pretty well.
Get Smart is based on a 1960's television version of the same name and follows the adventures of Max, played by Steve Carrell who works as an analyst for a top secret Government intelligence agency known as CONTROL and he longs to become an agent to face the real stuff outside the underground office of his. He is sort of the office idiot but is extremely good at the job he does, so much so, that his chief is hesitant to make him an agent as he is too good at his current role. After a mishap at the office though he gets his opportunity to live his dream of being an agent as he goes on a mission with Agent 99-Anne Hathway. to Russia in order to put an end to a plan involving the end of the world-but obviously.
Now the thought of Anne and Steve Carrell together might surprise everyone but to my surprise the odd couple did pull it off with a few gags and it definitely helped that she looked absolutely gorgeous.
Now what are Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and 'Khali' doing in the movie you ask?..Well, The Rock is Agent 23 who is suave and the killer agent but is forced to do a desk job while Steve takes his place. It's a relevant role in the movie. Khali though is just purely there because of his size and no reason whatsoever.
Now although this is an action comedy, it doesn't have too many laughs nor does it have too much action..but the little of both that is there is good enough to carry the movie.
My favorite sequence in the movie is when Anne Hathway and Steve Carrell have a dance battle of sorts, in Ballroom dancing ( with different partners )...It's one of the more hillarious scenes in the movie and stays with you till the end.
Overall, there's not a lot to take back although it's not a movie that should be taken too seriously as well.
It's good entertainment for your home viewing.

I'm going with 3 out of 5 for Get Smart.

Keep Reeling!!!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Die Hard-Classic is an understatement!!

To be aired on Star Movies
4th November

Who hasn't heard of Die Hard??....My guess..practically no one..This Bruce Willis classic might not have been seen by all, but definetely one has heard about it. if Sylvester had Rambo, Arnold had Terminator, then Bruce Willis is associated with the Die Hard movies in the same way. The first installment is obviously like most franchises the best of the lot, and Die Hard is no different. Also keeping in mind that this was a movie that was shot in the year 1988, it's somthing that people will still enjoy and connect to.
The premise is such...John McClane, a NYPD officer is on his way to LA on Christmas Eve to attend a party of his wife who he hasn't spoken to or met in months. McClane is driven to the Nakatomi Plaza building for the company Christmas party by a limo driver named Argyle. The party is disrupted by the arrival of twelve armed men led by Hans Gruber, played by Alan Rickman. They cut the telephone lines and seal the building doors, trapping Argyle and the limo inside the parking garage and replacing the building guard with one of their own men. Hans and his group secure the party goers as hostages, but McClane manages to escape. With his wife hostage he tries to rebel among the group of 'terrorists' whose real motive is really something else. Watch how he tries in true blue action hero style to take them on in pure brawn fashion.
Among the actors, Bruce Willis is amazing and looks so young..If you haven't seen any of his earlier films then this look of his will come as a real shocker. Alan Rickman is more menacing than ever ( than includes him as Snape ), and in his trademark style delivers the dialogues with the right amount of.....pause.
Reginal Veljohnson and De'voreax White too shine in their brief roles as Sgt. Powell and Argyle respectively.

It's a movie that still stands the test of time and with sequels still being planned, it's a franchise that's here to stay.
I'm going with 4 out of 5 for Die Hard.
Watch it if you miss the classic action movies.

Keep reeling!!!!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Peepli Live-a hillarious sad story!!

To be aired on Zee Premier 
13th November

In spite of it being the Official Indian entry to the Oscars last year,this was a movie that didn't do too well...and frankly I might have not seen the movie in the theater myself if I hadn't got a free ticket...Because apart from the fact that this is an aamir khan production, there's nothing else that would interest a person to go and buy the ticket...But what this movie lacked for in publicity, it made up for in content. The fact is that Peepli Live is such an honest movie, that it will connect with you even if you have no idea or connect with the rural India...because that's exactly what this movie talks about and also delivers a message in the most subtle way possible along with loads and loads of comedy. In short it's the perfect Indian comic satire.

The premise is based in the fictional village of Peepli in Mukhya Pradesh where two brothers, Natha and Budhia are poverty stricken and find it hard to keep the house running. Neck deep in loans the brothers pretend to go farming and end up drinking alcohol instead, with an attempt to erase tensions of their land or house being stripped off. Ultimately of course the bank demands the repayment of the loan, failing which, they would be homeless. Natha is encouraged by his brother to commit suicide so that the Government will provide Rs. 1 lakh to the family which would be an end to all their problems. I know it sounds depressing so far but here's the twist...Natha and his brother are overheard by a news reporter about this at a tea stall and what follows is chaos in the Little village. News channels, politicians everyone make their way and Natha is an instant celebrity or in other words the news of the hour.This is probably the best hour or so of black comedy that you will ever see in Indian cinema. ( barring Delhi Belly of course, which co-incidentally is also an aamir khan production ).It's funny, it's brutal and will change your perception of rural India all together. The ending is unpredictable too and does not demand patience at all.
Among the performances, Natha, played by first time actor-Omkar Das Manikpuri has to be the pick of the lot. He holds the movie together and is an absolute delight to watch. there could not have been a better Natha. Also Kumar Deepak, played by Vishal Sharma is the ultimate hindi journalist you would have ever seen for whom no small story is small enough.
And one has to really credit Indian Ocean for the soulful background song that catches the movie's mood just right. Last and definitely not the least-Director Anusha Rizvi, a former journalist herself gets everything right in her debut venture, and this is hoping that there's many more movies just like that...Kudos to her...
I'm going with 3.5 out of 5 for Peepli Live. It is time well spent.

Keep Reeling!!!

Friday, 28 October 2011

Ra.One-The next level is here!!

It's the biggest week in India as far as movie releases go, and this might just be the most hyped movie in the history of Indian Cinema. Since the poster had released in January this year, we knew that something big was coming, and for the last three months the promotions were in full gear. Be it on serials, reality shows, ads, malls, road shows, or even your local toy store SRK left no stone unturned to ensure that EVERY person knew about the movie and would spend the amount he wanted and ensure a hit. This he has surely done wisely as we all know that the movie halls are going full and no matter what the amount of the ticket, people are just too curious as to what exactly the movie has to offer.
Now coming to the real deal, the movie itself-this was the first time that I wished that the National Anthem was played after the movie and not before beacause by the end of the movie I was proud-proud that this is a product of India and the level of visuals is definitely at par with Hollywood. My only regret is that I did not see the movie in 3D-the car chases, the gaming sequences and so much more what the movie has to offer is a delight to watch and will definitely make you go WOW on more than one occasion.
The story is simple and sadly full of loopholes. Shekar Subramaniam, played by SRK is a game maker but is far from being cool. He is loved by his wife but does not manage to gain his son's respect. His only way is to make a game on his son's request in which the villian is stronger than the hero to the extent of being almost unbeatable. Here starts the spiral of mishaps, deaths, and a age-old battle of Good vs Evil. the narrative is quick paced in the first half but drags and tests your patience heavily in the second half. Even the cameo by Superstar Rajnikanth is underwhelming and makes you feel that it was definitely a gimmick. Sanjay Dutt and Priyanka Chopra's cameos are better but still lacks the excitement a cameo is supposed to create.
The music is of course top notch with everyone from Hans Zimmer ( of Inception fame ) and The Prodigy to Akon contributing to some fine music in the film and creating the International Desi feel.
Kareena is more of an Ornament than anything else and the child actor Armaan, is just too irritating for my taste. Arjun Rampal shines as Ra.One and is a perfect fit for the role. Tom Wu, the Chinese-American actor shines as well in his brief role. About SRK of course, what can one say- he is a born natural and carries the movie on his not so broad shoulders and although he does not create an epic of a movie-it definitely is the biggest event of the year.
For the sheer honesty of SRK, for the brilliant VFX and the fact that Akon sings in Hindi-I'm going with 2.5 out of 5 for Anubhav Sinha's Ra.One...Watch it to see where India stands NOW!!!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Paranormal Activity 3-Repetetive yet effective!!!

To all those who have seen the first part with me, you'll know the impact this has had...No Sound effects, no fancy camerawork and the touch of realism is what makes this series so frightening and the latest in the series doesn't dissapoint...
This movie is about Katie and Christie's childhood and how the 'demon' we now know so well actually became a part of their lives...There's even a name given to it this time-'Toby'....Sounds funny, yes...but try laughing when he actually makes an entry!!!...
The new camera angles and the anticipation is what really gets you in the movie and as usual there are moments that will make you scream, jump off your seat or just cling on to the person next to you...there are repetitive moments like standing for hours together or dragging but yes, you still enjoy those just as much...even if you're not as scared as you were before...
Of course it answers a lot of questions from the 1st 2 parts but creates new ones as well and very obviously tells you to wait for the 4th part....
It's been the scariest trilogy so far for sure...Just hope that they are able to scare us just as much in the next movie as well....
I'm going with 3.5 out of 5 for Paranormal Activity 3...
Dont watch it Alone!!!!!

Keep Reeling!!!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Up in the Air-An unlikely loner!!!

There is a scene in which George Clooney is addressing an audience by asking 'What's in your backpack?' and has nothing to do with an actual backpack...It has to do with the burden that we carry on our shoulders in our day to day life without any necessity...That's how he lives his life in the movie....but the empty backpack signifies his loneliness more than his freedom!!
George Clooney's character Ryan Bingham is a lonely, but aggressive character whose life revolves around airports and planes...in short, the most frequent flyer you can imagine...I must admit that it excited me more than it should have because that's exactly what I would love doing...Anyways coming back to the story, Bingham wants to hit a number-10 million miles...no reason-just a number..and his job you ask?...it is to fire employees of various companies who are downsizing in the most strategic and effective manner...he has no commitment apart from his job, he lives his life out of a suitcase and seems happy in his rather empty life and happens to chance at a pretty female who he strikes an instant connection with!!...
Enters Natalie played by the very talented Anna Kendrick who wants to change the system of the company Clooney works for by firing people online and not having to travel all around anymore...Clooney's arguement-The Human Touch...and he takes Natalie across the country with him for a lesson or two in 'Firing management'...while he tries to manage his personal relationship with Vera's character!!!...
Won't give more away-but what unfolds is epic and in Clooney's own style it's just simply brilliant...
Definitely deserved the Oscar Nominations and worth a watch for sure....
I'm goin' with 4 out 5...
Keep Reeling!!!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Mr.Prime Minister-Unintentionally Hillarious!!!

"ChargeSheet"-Dev Anand's latest movie hit theatres last week...and I thought why not review his previous flick which I had the misfortune of seeing-that too in the theatre!!...
There are some movies that are BAD but there are movies like this which are so BAD that they make you laugh and laugh even more than genuine comedies and "Mr.Prime Minister" is one such movie.
Directed,Produced,Acted and even Sung by the so called legend-Dev Anand, he ensures that he is to be blamed for all the bullshit in the movie.
I don't even want to get into the story because it's too absurd to talk about-what I will do though is list out a few excerpts that made this movie hilariously memorable for me:
1. He is depicted to be a guy with no money to the extent that he has to tie a rope instead of a belt on his trousers-but he can afford a Sony Ericsson T610 which was among the more expensive phones then!
2. Tara Sharma is a secret agent from "AL QUEDA" and has all the numbers of the members stored on her phone!!
3. Dev Anand is seen smooching a Firang whose 1/3rd his age!!!
4. While he is on a helipcopter he speaks to people right below him over a radio and everything is clearly heard inspite of the loud helicopter blades and that's not all-there is a moment where he is talking to the people directly-even without the radio-guess he still has his vocal chords intact.
And of course there are these endless scenes where he is delivering cheesy dialogues one after another and the camera is just focussed on him for minutes together-it's hard to believe that a guy of his age and stature is so damn self obsessed.
I have not seen his earlier movies and I might be wrong but I don't see anything in him that would have made him a legend.
And to top it all he tries RAPPING-that is just the heights.
I'm going with 1 out of 5 for this crazy hillarious excuse of a movie..

Dev Anand should seriously consider therapy!!!!

Monday, 26 September 2011

Transformers 3-A hollow visual delight!!

How much metal on metal action can one really take??...After the first movie, you would have probably said that I wish there was more....After the second you might have said that that's not too bad...but Dark of the moon is probably the real test of patience and has amazing visuals but with no heart and a loop holed filled script.
This time around we have another transformer introduced-Sentinal Prime who we think is on the good side..but in due time reveals his plans to rule Earth...he doesn't voice the opinion of his fellow Autobots who have been reduced to nothing but servants of the Government.
Simultaneously we of course have Shia who has 'broken up' with his ex-girlfriend and now has a hotter girl, no doubt. She spells trouble for him indirectly even though she is the perfect girl for him.......
Apart from that he is battling for an identity without the Autobots in his life along with not being able to land a good job much at this stage and there is the obligatory triumph build up in the movie...
The climax of this movie stands apart with almost an hour of non stop action-I know it sounds juicy and in 3D it really looks good too...but it's too much, and ultimately gets tiring.
Overall if you have seen the earlier parts then this one is surely worth a watch but don't watch it with the same expectation.
I'm going with 2.5 out of 5 for Michael Bay;s Transformers:DOTM.

Keep reeling!!!

Saturday, 24 September 2011


It's been almost 2 years now and somehow I still see it all around!!...The re-released special edition in theatres...on Star Movies every other show and so on...There's no doubt that this movie created impact!!...Highest earnings ever-breaking every record possible!!...And I'm sure everyone reading this has seen it as well...But then why review it??..Why review a movie that has such Universal acceptance in not only it's earnings but critical acclaim as well??..Why??..Because I disagree...
I know writing this is not going to help me in anyway and I can already see that you are going to so 'Unfollow' me for this..but I frankly didn't like it..it was BAD....Why you ask??
Because it had a bland storyline...Mumbo jumbo mixed with humanity and war to supposedly give a interpretation of the US situation in Iraq...I mean...Get you get any lamer??
I do agree that it's visually stunning and James Cameron must be given full credit for introducing such technology in our times...I mean after Avatar, every second hollywood movie was in 3D...necessary or not!!...but whatever it is it did make an impact!!....still somethings are not enough to compensate for the lack of others!!...
 The absolute low of the movie has to be when they actually mate with their 'tails'...and the same thing was in a bird and then in a tree, I'm surprised that W.H.O didn't send a notice on hygeine to them...
And the War is probably the most stunning visual piece of the decade...but no soul, no connect...it just seems like random shooting and running frankly...
I don't want to keep going on because my main intention of this was not to criticize but just put forth my opinion on what I think of this so called 'EPIC'...
It's a breakthrough and will always be remembered no matter what I say about it...
I'm going with 1.5 out of 5 for James Cameron's Avatar...

Keep reelin'!!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

CRAZY STUPID LOVE-For the Romantic in you...

A Romantic Comedy is defined as a romantic movie with a dash of humour and a cute charm. In that sense 'Crazy Stupid Love' is a genuine romantic comedy with genuine content.
What iwould you do if your marriage of 25 years fell apart...Would you go and try happiness elsewhere or would you do anything to get your love back into your life??...That's the basic premise of Steve carrell and Julianne Moore's characters. While Ryan Goseling plays a 'Barney' kind of character to Steve's 'Ted'...Emma Stone plays the elusive girl who won't bite the bait and looks gorgeous...Well etched and performed brilliantly by each and everyone each character definitely is a standout....and how can we forget Kevin Bacon who you absolutely love to hate in this one...
My favourite moments in the movie are the scenes between Ryan and Steve as they slap each other to their dislike ofcourse...another favourite moment of mine comes in the second half to the soundtrack of 'Dirty Dancing' between Ryan & Emma..It's a movie that'll make you giggle, laugh out loud, feel sad in bits but most definitely give you the mushy treatment....
it's probably the best romantic comedy of the year so far...
I'm going with 3.5 out 5...

Keep Reeling!!!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

CONTAGION-Nothing spreads like Fear!!

Nothing Spreads like Fear-And it's the fear of it that kills us more than the actual thing itself!!...Swine Flu, Chicken Guniya...we have seen those phases of Paranoia in society....but what if it's something so contagious that it's impossible to know how and when you can possibly get it..something invisible, something that cannot be avoided no matter what you try...It's this fear that the movie capitalizes on in what is a thinking person's disaster movie!!...With names like Matt Damon, Kate Winslet , Gweneth Paltrow and the likes..this movie obviously boasts of some good performances...but honestly...it's a movie that can get boring in bits...
The premise is this...an american woman comes back to US after a trip to the far east ( why does everything spread from there?? ) to pass away unexpectedly the next day following which her son passes away...this spreads like wildwire...all across the world from the source who transferred it to her too ( suspense revealed end of movie ) until almost 10 percent of the world is infected...
It's racy at times but at times it's slow...you have to jusyt be in the right frame of mind and you might just enjot the smartness of it...
I'm going with 3 out of 5 for Contagion...

Keep Reelin'...

Monday, 19 September 2011

Friends With Benefits-Justin can Act-Seriously!!

A picture is worth a thousand words, and if you'll saw the initial ads/posters of the movie...you would agree with me...We know what this movie is about, we know that it may be similar to 'No Strings Attached' and we also know that they will end up together in the end. What we do not know though is that Justin & Mila are the most charming young onscreen couple that Hollywood has now. For starters, they can surely and most definitely ACT...they are absolutely natural and charming and don't give you the feeling that they are guys who just look good and therefore are in the movie-I mean they DO look good as well-but that's just a bonus...Justin with his secret ABS and Mila with the Hot Bod that we saw a glimpse of in Black Swann along with a workable script just sets you smiling at their charm.
There's really no point in revealing anything of the story as there is nothing out of the ordinary there...but for the record-this is surely better than 'No Strings Attached' and Justin is indeed far better than Ashton ( Hard to believe, I know )....Mila is beautiful and I can't wait to see her in more movies soon!!...
Also the cameo of 'Marshall' from How I met your mother is cute...
Overall a nice date movie or even a good one to catch with your friends...( without benifits ;-) )
I'm going with 3 out of 5...

Keep reeling!!!!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Ninja Assassin-Censored Version!

Rain-the movie's lead hero is Chinese...Thankfully everything else in the movie-is American!...A remake of an Asian movie, Ninja Assassin is stylish, visually stunning and has enough action to satisfy an action buff-what is also has is Gore, which is part of the stylish element in the movie...I know it sounds weird...and sadly I didn't get to see a lot of it as I saw this on TV...Nevertheless, it still was good enough.
The story tracks the lead actor 'Rain' through his journey after he has run away from a clan of Ninjas who are a group of Highly paid Assassins-This of course is intercepted with flashbacks from his childhood with the clan and how he runs away from them at later age. He now helps anyone he can against the same clan and ultimately is on a journey to destroy his own master.
It's not rocket science and definitely not hard to follow...it's just pure entertainment and doesn't pretend to be anything more than that as well. Definitely watchable...and please try and watch the Uncut version. I'm going with 3 out of 5...

Keep Reeling!!!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

LOVE ACTUALLY-I Feel it in my Fingers.......

To call this a 'Classic' or 'The Best Romantic Comedy Ever' would all probably go down as biased comments...but that's exactly how I feel about this pic which I just don't seem to get bored of, no matter how many times I see it!!...And if you still haven't seen it yet...Please do so NOW!!!
There's everything in this movie-it's based around christmas, it's british, it's funny, it shows love in 10 ways that are absolutely original and has a cast that is absolutely STAR-STUDDED!!!...From Keira Knightley to Hugh Grant and from Rowan Atkinson to Colin Firth...this movie definitely got the cast in the right place!!
The background score too remains with you much after you've seen the movie...whether it's God Only Knows or Hugh Grant dancing to Jump!!..It's all just too good...not to forget Bill Nighy's classic-I feel it in my fingers in the first scene that will have you smiling end to end at the sheer brilliance of his nonsense!!!...
And then the stories themselves...There's love stories between kids, pornstars, siblings, a boss and his secretary, the PM and his maid!!!...and stories that just make you laugh, cry and go all mushy!!!....
It's the kind of movie that most would call a 'Chick Flick'...But it takes a real man to admit that they like it too!!!!!
If you haven't seen this yet...please come out of your rock and RENT or DOWNLOAD it NOW!!...
And if you have seen it, please share your comments below...
I give it 5 out of 5...for my FAVORITE ENGLISH MOVIE EVER!!!!...

Keep Reeling!!!

Friday, 2 September 2011

Chillar Party-Being Human & Fun

I expected Zilch from this movie....Zilch!!!..The reviews, the box office collections..nothing was encouraging,but somehow I still wanted to see it...and was in for a pleasant surprise.
This movie really had potential to be a great film, no doubt about that...but there are glitches that just are unforgivable and that's where I guess it hasn' got universal acceptance.
The story is of a gang in a colony-Chillar Party who develop a grudge against the dog of their colony's new car cleaner. At first they are bitter enemies but eventually of course they become close and are ready to fight for each other's cause as well.
The USP of the film are some of the kid's fabulous performances that make you laugh joyously at their oversmartness...especially Naman Jain as Jhangiya is a delight to watch in every scene!
Also the intent is clear..it's an honest attempt at sending out a message without really preaching..
The involvement of a particular politician in the movie seems very forced somehow and that probably is the biggest hole that the movie fell right through...Also being a Salman production, he should have been there in atleast a scene the film for the sake of it's box office collections and even Ranbir Kapoor's Item Song seems useless,being played right at the end towards the end of the credits...
All in all, a decent movie to see along with a beautiful message. If you love kids or dogs the this is surely for you!!
I'm going with 2.5 out of 5...

Keep reeling!!!

Monday, 29 August 2011

Always Kabhi Kabhi-As confused as the title!

This movie came and went from the theaters with hardly anyone taking notice!..which is surprising considering that it has SRK's massive name behind the project..but it wasn't promoted in a big way either!!..
Well that's sad that the movie didn't do well at the BO because there are such few movies of the 'teen' genre that release in India...but then again if we are exposed to movies like High school musical,17 again etc...this movie definitely falls short...very short...which is sad because it actually had so much potential...
the story is of 4 friends...2 guys and 2 girls...1 couple have this crackilng chemistry from day 1...but it takes a lot more time for the other couple to warm up to each other...But they are not as happy-go-lucky as we think as they all have their fair share of problems-One has a Dad that's constantly criticizing him,One has a Mum who pressurizes her for a career in Bollywood,One has the pressure of making it to MIT like all his genereations berfore him and One's parents don't even pay attention to their daughter in the most important of days...Basically all problems what rebillious teens would face with their parents...but taht's where the script is so flawed...They don't know if they want to take the romantic fun college story ahead or this serious teenage issue story...and tehrefore it lies hanging somewhere i8n the middele and nothing fleshes out fully as it were. Giselle is absolutely stunning and cute...and there's a fine performance from Lilette Dubey as well but all that and even a item number from SRK himself doesn't really revive this movie. I'm goin with 2 out of 5 for Roshan Abbas's Always Kabhi Kabhi...See it if there's absolutely nothing else to watch...

keep reeling!!!

Sunday, 28 August 2011

G-Force--tryin' too hard to be cute!!

First we had squaky chipmunks makin their way into our world...now we have guinea pigs...who are actally thinking of the audience as the same!!..Unimaginitive,Unfunny and a bore to the core...G-Force is painful and so not worth it...Especially shocking with names like Zach & Penelope involved!!
the story is about how there is a special task force of these guinea pigs whose whole existence comes under the scanner under the FBI as they haven;t been tested and proved yet...So they go snooping around in 'Hollywood' style and try to uncover the devious plans of a certain billionaire..but it backfires and they are on the run from the FBI...There starts a painstaking journey which you may as well avoid watching and I have no pleasure recollecting either...
Without further a-do-I give G-Force 1 out of 5 for the sheer presence of Zach in the movie...He is a delight to watch in no matter what role!!...Otherwise, AVOID!!!..

Keep reelin;'...

Friday, 26 August 2011

Narnia:Prince Caspian-A Worthy Sequel!

I have seen this movie twice!! The First time I saw it was at a cinema with my cousin and honestly, I slep through most of it..I conclude that the movie was boring and didn't want to see it again...So much so that I didn't see it even just before the third movie released because that is what I mostly do if I have missed out on a sequel..I thought i had lost my interest entirely in the series until I saw it a second time finally..and this time I was wide awake!!..Definitely a visually stunning movie and enough to do justice to it's predecessor.
The story has gone forward...1 year has passed by in London...where the Pevensie siblings live...but 1300 long years have passed in Narnia..changing everything that they had ever known where they discover that Narnians themselves have to live in secrecy in their own land while the Telmarines ( Humans ) rule the place as foolishly as only a man can. Their mission: If they choose to accept it...Is to help the rightful heir to the throne-Prince Caspian achieve the same and restore order and peace in Narnia.
Now in the middle of all this-believe it or not-ASLAN, the most awesomely animated lion in the history of movies...is missing!! And you just long for him to make an appearance...The thought that 'Things don't happen the same way twice' will definitely play at the back of your head..But what really happens, is for you to see and find out!!
Overall a fun flick to watch and I will definitely post about the third part when I do see that as well.
I guess the first time I saw it I really was tired...No other way to explain it!!...I'm going with 3.5 out of 5 for TCON:Prince Caspian...It's Magical!!

Keep Reelin'....

Thursday, 25 August 2011


Along came Polly, Starsky and hutch, DodgeBall and the more recent Tropic thunder...Ben Stiller's name is associated with some of the best comedies in today's movie scene!..Here out of the blue, comes Greenberg-a heartfelt, thoughtful story of a lonely man trying to fight various issues within himself inspite of his troubled, slightly psychotic mind.
Roger Greenberg comes to his brother's house in LA to live after being discharged from a hospital of mental health when his brother and family decide to take a vacation to Vietnam!! ( No explanation...Don't ask me why )...He along with his brother's dog spend the days together and in comes his brother's assistant whose job can best be described as a 'grocery-getter'. Ther's an unlikely spark that triggers off between the 2 inspite of the 15 year age difference ( which bothers him too btw )...and thereafter the consequences are for you to see and experience.
Ben Stiller is controlled and mature but you can't help miss his goofy self..There is humour in the movie as well but it can be at best described as dark humor compared to the slapstick stuff we have seen and loved him doing...which also is food for thought because I did not feel the same way when Jim carrey did 'Eternal Sunshine....'
Overall a very lazy casual flick that just wants you for those 2 hours in their world and nothing more...
I'll go with 3 out of 5 for GreenBerg...

keep reelin'....

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

PUSH-An Average Sci-Fi Watch!!

Let me admit firstly that I am not a fan of Sci-Fi Flicks. It's not something that really interests me and frankly I hardly understand half of them!!...But that somehow just partially applies for Push. It's not entirely a bad flick and can be watched and understood by anyone. The premise is where this people-for lack of a better word-mutants live on their own or as part of a Government agency trying to conduct certain experiments on them and make them psychic warriors. There are various types of these 'mutants' too!!...there's pushers,bleeders,watchers etc etc. and it's all interesting and mind boggling at the same time.but somehow after a while the interest level seems to dip slightly and Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning do little but enough to keep your attention.
Djimon  houtsou of Blood Diamond fame is a treat to watch in his brief role...
Overall, an average watch but wouln't be too keen on suggesting it...

I go with 2 out of 5 for this movie....

Keep Reelin!!!!
It's mumbo jumbo to most but will be appreciated by Sci Fi Lovers!!!

Friday, 19 August 2011

SINGHAM-Starring Ajay Devgan as Rajnikanth

There's a new HIT MACHINE in town...and he is not a Khan, not a Roshan, Kumar or even a Kapoor!!
he is AJAY DEVGN...who is taking Bollywood by storm...with an unbeatable partnership along with Rohit Shetty...this duo is absolutely unstoppable!!....And with Singham, Rohit has actually found a genre where he is at ease..No doubt the Golmaal movies took the world by storm, and personally I found All the Best hillarious...but with Singham he has taken himself to another level...absolutely nonsense 'Rajnikanthish' action with roaring background music and a theatre cheering like CRAZY...this is truly a movie made for watching in the cinema hall!!
Coming to the premise...bajirao Singham is an honest no nonsense cop located in a small town near Goa whose way of justice is unorthodox but backed by all...All is Well until Jaikant Shikre(Prakash Raj)-the DON of GOA enters the scene and starts to make life hell for our hero!!. A word about Prakash Raj...GENIUS!!...You absolutely love to love to hate him!!! :-p...Effortless and brilliant in every second of the movie and those who have seen Wanted and remember his performance will know what I'm talking about.
from there the movie takes it's regular Bollywood trail ofcourse and the saddest and most unwanted part of the movie is definitely the love track with our protagonist and Kajal Agarwal..Absolutely unnecessary and we could live without it...Nevertheless, this is Bollywood and there;s nothing much we can do there, but overall a perfect movie to watch for all ages, sexes, shapes and sizes...haha...
I'm going with 3.5 out of 5 for Rohit Shetty's Singham!!...Watch it NOW if you already haven't....

keep reeling!!!!!

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

License to Wed-and have intercourse :-p

After watching this film I kinda felt that Robin Williams is starting to lose it. In recent times movies like this one, RV etc are 'time pass fair' yes!!...but nowhere close to Jumanji and 9 months!!..Nevertheless I am not going to drag on about ' The Good Ol' Days'..Let's come to 'License to Wed'...It's a simple premise...boy meets girl...Boy starts dating girl...Boy meets girl's parents...Boy proposes to Girl...and Girl says Yes...but with a tiny hurdle after that...They have to do a pre-marriage course with her family's trusty neighborhood Reverend Frank...never would a man of god pissed you off this much!!...He's crazy and calm at the same time...and he is testing the couple's as well as your patience...He teaches them to fight and asks them not to have sex!!...he even bugs their room!!!It's funny in parts but outrageous in most!!...What works for the movie is the cute pairing of Mandy moore and John Krasinski even as he struggles to make his presence felt...Not that witty and funny...but a ride you might not mind if you lower your expectations big time!!...I'm goin' with 2 out of 5....

keep reelin'

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Tangled-A fun fairytale!

I must confess..I'm an absolute sucker for Animated flicks.There's so little that can go wrong with it as long as you have the script in place. the animation is brilliant which takes care of the acting, the action sequences and of course the cinematography...and add to that a brilliant music score and you have a winner!!
Tangled voiced by Mandy Moore as Rapunzel is a neat contemporary take on the fairy tale and of course adds it's own little twist to it. Plus this is a musical which makes it even more enjoyable!!..Also it is said to be THE MOST EXPENSIVE ANIMATED MOVIE YET!!!
if you've read Rapunzel when you were young, you already know the basic premise-but this time she doesn't have a prince to rescue her but a runaway thief who accidentally discovers her tower in the middle of the forest while running away from the King's guards!!...Here Rapunzel strikes a deal with him which you will know when you watch the movie and there starts an exciting journey of an unusual twosome who eventually and obviously fall in love...It's cute, it's smart, it's visually enticing and will definitely keep you entertained for the 100 minutes...I give it 3.5 out of 5...

Keep reelin' :-)

Monday, 15 August 2011

AARAKSHAN-A Boring Lecture!!

Gangajal was shocking...Apaharan was surprisingly good...even Rajneeti was a brilliant take on politics...Bottom line...Prakash Jha should take Ajay devgan in his films compulsorily!!...Aarakshan has nothing going for it really except some fine performances for Manoj bajpayee & Amitabh bachchan..Without these two, the movie would fall right on it's face...and what's worst is that the whole Reservation controversy could have been well avoided...It really wasn't even necessary in the film!!..If you do watch it you will know why...A word on Deepika-mmmmm, not relevant really so let's move on....Prateik babbar, spaced out as always...why is he still acting????...Saif delivers a steady performance but it's of no use really...All in all it was definitely a disappointment especially when you go in expecting a slice of real gritty human life...i'm goin' with 1.5 out of 5 for Prakash jha's Aarakshan!!!!....Definitely avoidable..

Keep Reelin!!!!!

Thursday, 11 August 2011

The Book of Eli-Religious with a difference

Picture this-Post Apocalypse...A voice in your head tell you to head west!!...And you travel for 30 years without knowing your destination..but you know it's the right thing to do...what would yo do??...That's practically the premise of  'The Book of Eli'...It's Stylish,it does involve religion and will uplift you if you are a believer like I am..and it's definitely out of the blue!!...But would you enjoy watching it...maybe not!!...
This is a movie that most people would describe as 'slow' and although there are some action sequences it does little to hasten the pace of the story...not like the makers want to rush into it anyway, as it unfolds at a lazy pace..but what keeps you glued for those 2 hours is none other than the brilliance of Denzel Washington...It's far from his regular work but there's an honesty in his performance that just transports you to his world,Eli's world...and even though the movie has little to offer...you don't mind the ride!!..
it's one of those movies whose liking will probably depend according to your mood...and a lazy  sunday evening is probably the best time...I'm going with 2.5 out of 5 for 'The Book of Eli'...It's the kind of movie that doesn't come by often!!
Keep reelin' :-)

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

She's out of my League-Well,Not quiet ;-)

The moment you lay your eyes on the poster or even the name of the movie, you know what it's all gonna be about. A typical beauty meets geek story of how a girl whose supposed to be a 10 ( She actually isn'y..maybe an 8 ;-) ) falls for a guy who is half as good looking as her..There is an ex boyfriend, insecurity issues, the age old american pie joke of premature ejaculation & some more bits that are typical. Yet these kinda movies are definitely watchable for the feel good factor & ofcourse doesn't fail to entertain.
I only wish that the girl might have been hotter but she's cute nevertheless. If you've like movies like Rab ne bana di jodi, Pyaar Impossible or even I love you beth cooper...chances are you'll enjopy this one too.
I'm going with 2.5 out of 5 for this pic...Try and watch the unrated version!!

Keep Reelin.....

Saturday, 6 August 2011

SHAITAN-It's inside all of us!!!!

Produced By Anurag Kashyap-That should give a good idea of what to expect from the movie....If u thot Dev D was insane then Shaitan takes a step further...Non apologetic of it's content and out there to shock you at every turn...Directed by Bijoy Nambiar, he follows his mentor's filming ways and creates a fabulous story that deals with the devil inside all of us...and when it chooses to awaken, all hell beaks loose!!!
The story is about a bunch of spoilt brats in their teens and early twenty's who seem to have a lotta money but have issues of their own and to vent it out booze, smoke up & just go crazy...until after a drunken night, they murder 2 people accidently and there starts the cover up which leads to several other murders including members of the gang..One of the better performances of the fil is definitely from 'Sach ka Saamna' star-Rajeev Khandelwal & Kalki at her mental self....
It shocks you, it surprises you and will definitely entertain and disturb you as well...I'm goin' with 3 out of 5...
Keep Reelin ;-)

Thursday, 4 August 2011


First thing's First!! This is not a movie about Tennis or some great Tennis Player's life!!...Match point is probably the best story on 'Love,Lust & Betrayal'.Directed by Woody Allen this movie had 4 golden globe nominations in 2006..but was sadly overshadowed as this was the very year where gems like Brokeback  Mountain,Crash,Walk the Line and many others released too.Nevertheless this movie is not far behind...as a matter of fact it's among my favorites and suggest anyone I can to watch it!!
The story is about a tennis pro Chris who takes us a job as a Tennis Instructor who soon falls for 1 of his student's sister...The money and family status pulls him to marry her but at the same time he falls for his Student's Fiancée as well who is of course played by the very sexy and sensual Scarlett Johanson in a performance of a lifetime...After this of course unfolds a crazy love quadrangle that you will not be able to predict the end of!!!... And add to that it has some great background score that just heightens the tension already present....Flawless!!!....I give it 5 out of 5....Watch the movie alone preferably...There's no dialogue that you would wanna miss....
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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Stanley Ka Dabba-SimplEy Genius

You would have probably seen ads of this movie in BT with some great reviews by celibrities and gone Mmmm...Looks good....but ultimately not gone for it coz it wasn't interesting enuf or the fact that there was nothing about the movie u knew about....I was one of them!!...And when i finally got the chance to see it at home...I was stunned!!!....Stunned by the simplicity of the story and the narrative...and yet....it was so brilliant!!
Directed by Amole Gupte-writer of taare zameen par comes another story about a complexity that kids deal with...in this particular case-stanley!!...but what's different about this 1 is that the issue is lingering throughout and you know something is off...but you just cant put a finger on it rite uptil the end..unlike TZP where U know about his dyslexia halfway thru the movie...or rather some ppl knew bout it even b4 they saw the fil!!..
But what's genius about SKD is that it deals with a simple topic-A tiffin Box..which is a part of all our childhoods and delivered a Gem that will make U cry even if u dont mean to...
Also Amole Gupte himself as 'Khadoos' plays his part brilliantly as the hindi teacher who seems to be more interested in other ppls food instead of his subject ;-p
All in all...If u have seen TZP...U will definitely like this too...but don't expect as much drama..Like I said..It's SIMPLEy Genius...i'm goin' with 4 out of 5 for this one...See it as soon as U can!!!

Keep reelin :-)

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Pyaar ka Punchnama-For Guys Only!!!!

A few minutes into the second half and there's this 5 minute monologue from one of the lead actors about the DEMANDING nature of women!!...Honestly I found it among the best moments in the film and quite enjoyed it...But also it reassured the fact that this movie is NOT FOR WOMEN.
Pyaar ka Punchnama is a story about 3 young guys who are happy and single but still frustrated about not havin' a loved 1 in their life....and Lo and behold...their lives are changed 4 the worse as soon the Female species enter the picture...Honestly yes, it is a biased viewpoint at the end where they portray all women are b*****s...but who cares..:-p
Whether U have been with an over demanding person in ur relationship, or loved someone without them lovin u back or even asked out a committed person...there's something that u will definitely relate to.
Agreed that it's far from bein' a brilliant movie...but it does hold ur interest...I'm goin' with 2.5 out of 5...Watch it..only if U are or Think like a Man ;-)

Keep Reeling!!!!!!

READY-Another Anees Bazmee disaster!!!!

No Entry, Welcome, Singh is King & the more recent Thank You...Love him or hate him, an Anees Bazmee film always creates a ripple!!...And Ready created more than just that...it was the biggest hit of the year ( so far of corz )...and yet there's nothing in the movie that stands out except for the evergreen shirtless entertainer-SALLU!!!...Sure there are a few laughs here and there but the story is sooooo simplistic and dumb...and the sad part is u xpect it to b that way as well...but the worst is the climax where it gets worse with each of Anees's movies ( remember welcome ) ;-)...although this isn't as bad as that...bt still...cmon!!!...
Bottom line is that this is definetely not a movie worth buyin a movie ticket 4...bt if it happens to come on ur television...dont hesitate 2 unvind and see sallu at what he does best....I'm goin with 2 out of 5 stars for this 1....

If u've seen it please post in ur views!!! :-) Until next time...Keep reeling!!!!!

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